Atsushi Tsuyama
Atsushi Tsuyama, japanese multi-instrumentalist, based in Kansai and besides his musical skills known for his whacky sense of humour. This photo from a concert …
The Look of Jazz – Frank Schindelbeck Jazzphotography
Atsushi Tsuyama, japanese multi-instrumentalist, based in Kansai and besides his musical skills known for his whacky sense of humour. This photo from a concert …
Erika Stucky, FM Einheit and La Cetra Barockensemble played at Porgy & Bess in Vienna (a few words in german @
Die Strottern (Klemens Lendl, voc & viol and David Müller, voc & gt) and Jazzwerkstatt Wien (musicians of the jazz collective from Vienna) played …
Clemens Wenger is a piano and keyboard player from Vienna. He is working in various bands (e.g. Die Strottern and Jazzwerkstatt Wien) and published …
It was an impressive and unique concert at Jazz & The City Salzburg: Hayden Chisholm (sx) and Kalle Kalima (gt) for the very first …
Jazzfotografie kaufen Fine Art Prints auf Hahnemühle Photo Rag Papier (308gr. / 100% Baumwolle)Gestempelt, nummeriert und signiert. Format inklusive weißer Rand, ungerahmt.Preis: 250,- inkl. …